To remain motivated in your job requires you to be motivated intrinsically. By this I mean that you need to be motivated by your work and overall experience and not by the extrinsic rewards such as money or status.
Often the job environment and the manner in which employers treat their employees goes a long way to keep staff motivated. Staying motivated in the workplace requires a contribution from both the employer and the employee.
You as the employer should:
Remove obstacles
Any obstacle that is standing in the way of a positive work environment should be evaluated and removed. If you take them out of the equation employees can focus on their job and not on the petty behaviour that often accompanies these issues.
Treat your key employee equally and with respect
By treating your key employees as equals allow them to feel that they are worthwhile contributors to the business. Key employees need to be rewarded for their efforts.
Your key employees understand what objectives the business is working toward. If they are included in the decision-making process they have a “stake in the game”Â. Always maintain transparency and don’t withhold information, work as a team, all with important specific jobs to do.
Foster Flexibility
Permit the key employees to have flexibility over the way they perform their job such as working remotely when the need arises, give them flexible hours of work, let them show some individual creativity as long as they do their jobs and reach the standards that are set for them.
Become an Active Listener
Encourage your key employees to talk through their concerns and ideas. Show them you value their input and care about them as an integral part of the company.
Encourage Feedback both ways
Be honest with your key employees. Just as you would act on feedback from them, they too should act on constructive feedback from you. Be positive when they do something great and empathetic when things don’t always go according to plan.
Don’t be a time waster
This is more related to ineffective meetings. Meeting too many times and without an agenda and action plans fosters non-productive behaviour.
Develop a culture
Just as great companies like Google have their own culture, it is important that all good productive companies have a special feel about them. Staff, identify with the company and are socially and professionally attached to it. It’s a great feeling to feel part of something with people that you like and respect.
You as the employee should:
Clarify your goals
You need a clear vision or a set of objectives that you need to follow to remain focused and motivated. Some employees waste the vast majority of their work time performing menial tasks that do not achieve anything for the employee or the business.
Establish a clear plan of attack
Once your goals have clarity, break down the big picture into manageable segments. This creates a clear blueprint that can be followed to meet your objectives. As each milestone is achieved you can tick it off and then move onto the next in the sequence with momentum.
Enjoy the success
By working hard and achieving success your work environment can be very stimulating and rewarding. The secret to all success is hard work.
Reward yourself
Once you achieve the objective you have set for yourself, reward yourself for the effort. This gives you something to work toward when setting off on your next objective.
Put work in its perspective
Making a difference, helping others, being creative in improving your skills are often the reasons why we go to work. It is important to remember that once away from work you have another life that needs some balance.
Surround yourself with positivity
If negative feelings are generated in the workplace it is almost impossible to achieve good work-life integration. Surround yourself with work colleagues that support you and create a positive environment. Find things to share with these people and laugh a lot. Always focus on the positive of any situation you are confronted with.
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