Great news on the current job front!
1. More than 25,000 jobs were added in the first few months of 2014 giving NSW the lowest unemployment rate of any state in Australia at a steady 5.8 percent.
2. Previously Western Australia had the best job prospects rate amongst all states mainly due to the mining boom. However, unemployment in Western Australia has now increased by 1.7% points in the past three months.
3. Nationally, unemployment remained at 6 per cent. Full-time employment rose by 80,500 across Australia but that was offset by 33,300 drop in part-time jobs despite job cuts to Qantas and car making plants in Victoria and South Australia.
BUT…. what if you are still one of the unemployed trying desperately to get a job or are employed but looking for a new job with better prospects?
This is the time to act!
The first step in finding new employment is to examine your resume and check if it is presented in the best possible way.
What does a successful resume need?
Step 1: Make sure that you write your resume addressing the requirements of the job. Do not send a generic resume that simply lists your education and achievements. You have to make it simple for the recruiter to see that you are perfect for the job advertised.
Step 2: Highlight the resume heading and the first few lines. Recruiters typically make up their mind about your suitability for the job in the first few lines of what they read.
Step 3: Highlight key words or phrases from the job advertisement. Just as Google has made a fortune from ad words or key words in order for groups to be found you should also use words and jargon that is specific to the job.
Step 4: Adopt a standard format. Start with a clear heading and contact information. Follow this with an objective statement, education, relevant skills sets, employment and awards. Recruiters need to access the information about you quickly and with ease.
Step 5: Check dates and details. Make sure that all the details and dates you include are correct and sequenced in the right order. If there are gaps in your timeline the recruiter might think that you are attempting to hide something. If there are gaps you need to explain why this has occurred. It is best to present your details in a clear and concise manner highlighting months and years.
Step 6: Keep your resume clean, neat and professional. An organised resume tells the recruiter that you are structured and professional. Typically a resume is written in black ink on white clear paper in an easily readable font at 11-12 point.
Step 7: Work Experience. Again it is important to highlight the specific experiences that relate to the job you are applying for. As a rule of thumb include 3-5 bullet points for each position that you have held, highlighting your main responsibilities and how they correlate to the job you are applying for.
Step 8: The length of your resume. If your resume is too short the recruiter might think that you do not have the necessary expertise for the job. Alternatively if you make it too long the recruiter wont read the lengthy descriptions. As a minimum it is important to keep the length of the resume to between one to two pages of tight and relevant information. Generally the resume length is proportional to your experience. If you have 1-3 years experience one page is recommended, while if you have 3-5 years you might use two pages and if you exceed 5 years you can use three pages.
Step 9: Do not underestimate the importance of correct spelling and grammar. Always use spell check if you are unsure of any words or how to structure phrases or sentences. A poorly presented resume with typographical errors and poor sentence structure is an instant turn off for recruiters. You need to pay strong attention to detail.
Step 10: Keep your resume up to date and current at all times. When something significant or worthwhile happens make sure that you include it in your resume immediately. There are times when we forget significant events that could be important when applying for a job.
Remember your resume is a reflection of yourself!
Australian College